How time flies! I will be 60 years old by the end of the Year. Looking back, my life is full of challenges and joy, yet live life at its best! It is a journey full of learning and explorations, and as times goes by, I have cultivated and formed my own life philosophy.
In the coming year, I’d like to humbly share those pearls of wisdom and thoughts with everyone I love on Wednesdays through email, web site (, Face Book and etc with this Weekly Motivation. Please do forward it to anyone you love if you find it helpful.
From Ms Dora Hoan with love.
2013年到来了!而在今年尾我將登陸了。 登陸並不代表上岸而是说已经年甲六十(六十就是陸拾)。回想自己一生可说是沒白活,因为是多姿多采、有苦有乐、有曲有折、逢迥路轉,这一生充満学习与探搜、是经验也是磨练,久而久之,造就了自己的一套人生哲学。
我希望把这些智慧点滴与所有我所愛的全美人共享!接下来的一年里,每周三我將会通过电邮,网站( ) 以及
Face Book 面薄 (Hoan Dora)和大家共享我的"总裁毎周勵语 ",你可以再轉发给所有你所愛的人!
非常愛您的DORA执筆。 |